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Re: SLL protocol implementation ?

In article <m0rj9RN-00000HC@monolith>, Bill Perry wrote:

> We have not decided whether to support SSL or not.  I imagine we
> will, but then I'm not in charge of engineering. :)

It should be very straightforward -- either implementing purely from
the protocol spec (http://home.netscape.com/info/SSL.htm) or licensing
sslref (a low flat-fee arrangement -- contact me for more info if you're
interested) are both viable and low-effort approaches.

>   Emacs-w3 will be supporting both as soon as I can find the time.  SSL
> will probably be first

Please feel free to use sslref to whatever extent it's useful -- I'd
personally love to be able to do SSL connections within Lemacs.

>   I imagine someone will put the REFSSL code into the CERN or NCSA servers
> pretty quickly.

Yup -- again, should be very straightforward.


Marc Andreessen
Netscape Communications Corp.
Mountain View, CA

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